And guess what! She makes CUSTOM layouts (blogwear, including your own blinkie!), just for you! Go to her site, Graffiti Chicks and check it out!
Thanks Becca for the adorable kit! You rock!

And here's the header! Make sure to CLICK on the photo FIRST and then copy it!!!

Can you put up some fall or harvest ones. I like those better. God Bless you!!
LOVE these. So very, very cute!!! Come and see. I also changed the font on mine. Can you see that, or is it only my computer?:) Thanks a million! Hugs!
Love Love love your layouts! your so talented! ;o)
you have an award on my blog hun
I just found your blog and LOVE your layouts! WOW!! Although I want to share your amazing talent...I almost don't want to so I can keep you to myself!!! :) Keep up the good work!!
Love it! Thanks so much!!!!
Oh man! I don't check in for a few days, and look at what you come up with! Just what I was waiting for! Now, I just have to switch my background..... again! Ha ha!
Looks fabulous Allie!!
Love this and couldn't wait to display it on my blog! I went to download the kit too....I agree it is too cute to be free! Thanks!
Loved this design! I couldn't figure out how to pull the matching page up though-so I just used the header :) Thanks!
Hey. I love this fall layout, but how do I put it on my page, When i did it before you had the helpful hints for idiots (me.) Thanks! Hey what ward were you in when you lived in AZ? We live in Flagstaff and have friends from your old stomping grounds!
Thank you!! Love these layouts!! You do an awesome job!
i have used this and linked you to my side bar.
OK. I surrender!!!!! HELP! I can't seem to ever, no matter what I do, get the header to work!!! Aaaack!!! Almost ready to throw pc out the window!!!!! (I Looooooove your work. Thank you.)
I used this layout on my scrap site.. hipe you dont mind.. I love the directions for making larger too... I also added your blinkie and I became one of your followers for your blog..
Cindy/Southern Scrapz
Can I ask how you manke the layouts larger? Mine does not take up the full page of my blog layout. Otherwise, I LOVE it!
I went to Becca's and did not find a kit.... was it taken down perhaps?
Love your headers!
The Blue Ridge Gal
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