Charlie's super pretty kit, "Jaimee's Little Garden" is available here at her shop. But stop by her blog and pick up her fun freebies and participate in her challenges! She has fun ones! Be sure to tell her I sent you and how great she is!

Here's the header. Please read the instructions FIRST in order to make it work perfectly on your blog!! Your header isn't supposed to look pixel-ly on your blog!! Does yours look that way? Then click on the instructions to see what you have done wrong.
wow wow are amazing..beautiful work lovely lady..mwahhhhh
Wow! I love your blog! I have been looking for cute templates for awhile! Keep em coming! Check out my blog, and leave a comment!
Thankyou for the wonderful templates!!
Allie - so glad you're back! You were missed by all!!!
Found your blog today and was wowed!
Great work!!!
Love what you did with Charlie's beautiful kit!!!
Welcome back Allie!! Great new blog wear and so pleased you have your new cord and can feed your laptop cravings at last!! Now for that HAPPY new year!!
Tracy ~~ Ambowife Designs ~~
I just love what you've done with Charlie's kits, great work :)
Hi Allie...Just wondering if you do any sports themes? You do such awesome work and it's hard to find something sporty that looks great too!
Wow i came upon your site yesterday and was so excited to finally find everything that i have been looking for. You are so talented and i was so excited to find one that had music, i put that on my blog but my husband said the black and white was freakin his eyes out, silly boy, but because it is so easy i just quickly changed it to a green layout that i loved too! That is what stinks is that all of your layouts are so awesome that its hard to choose! Hey awhile back you said you were having problems uploading your pictures on your blog i am too any idea what is going on? mine is just showing a bunch of numbers and letters! Thanks again for being so awesome and sharing!
I know i just posted a minute ago but i have to tell you i went to paint on my computer and inserted one of your headers added a picture and my words, and it worked now its a major work in progress but i had to be fast because of my three girls needing me but yes it does work...and with more time i think could be really awesome! thanks for the idea!
Wishing you a Happy New year Allie. I have just popped your Little Garden background and header on my blog. Thanks so much, you are so so clever!
AHHHH! I'm so excited!! I found you from Digi Designs by Nicole & love it! You are so talented. Everyone I know uses The Cutest Blog on the Block but they only have so many designs & I like to be unique. I'm bookmarking you now:)
Oh wait...I really hope these work w/3-column templates.?? That's half my battle.
Hi Allie.. y i can't save the new gadget?? Is there need to put the title??
I have an award on my blog for you sweetie!
I have just moved my blog so go to:
nannascraps dot com / blog
Hi I love your layouts and they're beautiful. I had to check you out from Barb@justpassiingthrough. I did took the the garden/flowers header. are these kits axailble? I know I'll be back. Tx Nancy..
I wanted you to know how much I LOVE your work and to thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. I am using your blog wear from "Jaimee's Little Garden". It is beautiful! Thanks again.
Hi Allie, there's an award waiting for you on my blog!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful layouts and headers!
I may just be missing this, but I am wondering where the instructions are for the backgrounds. You're layouts are so cute!!
love the layout and cool colours.
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