And here's the header! But guess what! A new friend, Tiffany, wrote me and told me how she customized her header font on Paint! I was ecstatic!
Here's what you do:
Copy the header (like you would usually do)
Pull it up on your Paint program
Add text to it, changing the font to your preference (can you add photos to it that way too?? Comment if you tried--I would LOVE to hear from you).
Then save it again (as JPEG, it should already be in that format)
And then upload it as your blog header (remember to click "Instead of Title and Description" and "SHRINK TO FIT")
And Viola!! No more generic blog header font! You have customized it!
Thanks Tiffany!

Fantastic Allie - LOVE them! Thanks for sharing!
wow another woser of a layout from you gorgeous lady..stop showing off..lol..no dont keep them coming..i love seeing how creative you are with everyones kits!
very nice work Allie!Thanks for all your help!
LOVE this one!! The header is awesome!! :)
Love it! Thanks for offering such great layouts for free!
great work! love it! :)
im currently using this one. love it!
I LOVE this header!!
How beautiful - I have used this blog layout and header!! Check out my blog
Thanks so much - your work is awesome!! I also gave you credit for it at the top of my blog!!
Hugs!! :)
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