And here are four layouts and a surprise at the bottom. This is from her "Energy" kit! Go to her blog and pick it up!

Now are you ready for this??? It's a HEADER! I got the idea from Hippo Scraps. She deserves ALL the credit for my inspiration. Remember, she also makes custom layouts!!
How to put it on my blog. Click on the picture and save it to your computer.
Go into Customize. And in the little gray box that has your header name, on the bottom right you will see the word Edit. Click on that. It should pull up a smaller screen and BEFORE UPLOADING THE PHOTO, click on "Behind title and description" and "Shrink to fit". If you don't shrink to fit, it will be HUGE. Then upload photo from computer and click save.
Wanna see how it looks in action? Go here.
Hi Allie. I love, love, love your designs. I have tried to add them to my blog and I have followed your instructions for making it fit my screen but I haven't been successful. I have a Mac, I don't know if that makes a difference or not. If you can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for sharing your talent. Kelli
p.s. Yes, yes, yes, on the header thing. Great idea. ☺
Thanks for linking me, again. You are the best! And these new layouts are darling.
Your work is lovely! I followed your easy to follow instructions and for the first time ever I was able to change the look of my blog. My only complaint is that my text overlaps onto your lovely background. There is probably a way to fix that, but I don't know what it is. Anyways, if you want to look my (little used) blog is Life as it Is
Love the new set of layouts Allie! You are one talented Lady! I feel like I need to start four new blogs just to make them cute with your designs!
I love love love the new header! I wanted to use the last layout though and the direct link for it is the same as the layout above it??? P.S. Do you plan to do some Halloween layouts and headers?
I love your layouts and now the header...thank you!!! You do an excellent job!!!
I love the background & header!!!
Thank you!
Sooooooooooooo beautiful, thank you for these beautiful graphics.
All your designs are absolutely beautiful; you are so talented! I have used your designs in my blogs; there are so many designs to choose from that I will probably chop and change quite a bit! You are so kind, offering these as freebies. Definitely one of my favourite sites!
Thank you so much !!!!
absolutely beautiful, many thanks
Hi Allison,
Just "found" you and your beautiful layouts.
This layout I put on mij blog and I just love it Thank you very,very much!!!
Hi Allie,
Thanks a lot for your beautiful layouts! I just picked one of them for my blog
Best regards,
I love your blog. Thanks for the designs.
I love the background & header!!!
Thank you!Kiss.
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