Theses FIRST TWO LAYOUTS are made from Krystal Hartley's "Cold Outside" (papers and blue polka dotted ribbon) and"Gladness" (flowers) kit! Isn't this girl awesome? You have to check her out, grab these freebies, go to her store, and send her some love!
Yes, for those with a close eye, the second layout is the same as the first, but without the red paper. I couldn't figure out which one I liked better so, I posted both! Thanks Krystal for your fabulous work!

These next THREE layouts are made with Irene Alexeeva's kits! I love how creative Irene is! She has the widest variety of kits. I really find her a true, talented, digi scrapper.
This is from her "Charmeuse" kit.

This is from her "Prim Love" kit.
This is from her "Ride a Dream" kit.

This next layout is from Charlie's Digi Scraps. I LOVE this "Summer Picnic" kit. It's super sweet! You need to visit her and grab this freebie! Thanks Charlie for allowing me to use your kit!

These next THREE layouts are made from Rachel at Cuppy Cake Designs. I am never disappointed with Rachel's kits! She has a good eye for color and patterns. I love it! This next layout is made from her "February Freebie" kit. You need to check her out and grab these freebies...and send her some love of course.

These next TWO are from her adorable "Melon Patch" kit.

aw thanks so much for using my stuff looks great and so does all the other LO's, your a master in this domain!!!!!!!!Job well done!
They look great Allie!!
Wow that melon patch kit was the first full kit I ever designed LOL
Oh my gosh, how in the world am I ever going to pick! You have so many cute layouts to choose from! Your awesome!!!!!!
Love your stuff Allison! It was hard to pick out a favorite, there are too many to choose from. But if you venture on over to my'll see which one I fell in love with. haha Thanks! I was in dire need of a face/blog lift!
Love ya!
ok I want to try this again, but I really like this layout you have for this site. Is it available? If not thats ok I'll just pick a diifernet one.
I'm very sad to report that although I love your designs I can't use them :( They are not big enough for my computer screen and it's just a square behind my blog rather than a background.
I will be happy to try that other link. I'm at work right now so I will try it out as soon as I get home and let you know. Thanks for your help in fixing this. I love your layouts and would love to use them.
That worked perfect! The layout I'm wanting to use is
Can you fix that one?
Thanks so much Allie!! I did it. I am a newbie to blogging and digi scrapping, but I figured this out thanks to you great instructions. Check out your layout on my blog if you like.
It was not easy to decide on one. You have so many great layouts, I will be tempted to try them out on a regular basis. I am sure I will be a regular follower of you work.
I started a new blog today and I used one of the beautiful backgrounds from your site. Thaks so much for giving me the change to make my blog so super :D
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