There's 18 papers and 36 embellishments! I would be so, so, SO happy if you were to show me what you could do with my kit. That would just make my day.
This kit is only for personal use. No reusing my items for your own kit(etc.) to sell. It's dishonest.
Pictures are hyperlinked.

Not all embellishments are shown. Drop shadows not included.

Thanks for sharing! Sooooo cute!
aw so cute mate..welldone!!!
ok, so your amazing. End of story! Oh and you KNOW I am using this kit!
oh wow this kit is sooo cute, would it be ok for me to make a blog skin out of this kit, i know you have already made a fantastic one but i would like to create another (if i am allowed to of course)
I love your layouts, I am having a problem though. It won't cover the full page from top to bottom. Why? Am i doing it wrong. check out the blog its "" let me know if i am doing something wrong. thanks
yeah, it was on that layout setting, it just wouldn't go all the way up to the top and bottom. I changed no on repeat to yes, and that fixed it.. but i don't like how a second icon "show you care, be aware" is up at the top, hidden behind my header. I much rather have that be gone.
I like the header staying up at the top. And that little icon is down at the bottom too. Its on there twice because I changed the repeat to yes. Yeah, if you could send me a fixed one, that would be AWESOME! thank you so much! And thank you for having a breast cancer awareness layout, I had been hours looking for one!
hi allie, i really hope you dont mind me doing this (feel free to tell me off if you do) but i have made a blog skin using this kit, now its nowhere as lovely as yours as i am just starting to learn how to make blog skins but if you would like to take a look at it, its here along with your gorgeous header to finish it off :)
I so love your site! I am new to digital scraping and blogging. I was excited and you gave me hope that I might even be able to customize my blog. I am hoping to use the information that you are sharing. Thanks so much. I will definitely be back.
I think this kit is really CUTE thanks so much. Also thank you for inspiring me to revamp my blog, I have had so much fun with it. I hope I have given propper credit to all who contributed. I've even become interested in doing a bit of javascript on my humble little blog, I now have tiny little twinkles coming from my cursor. Just a bit of fun but it keeps me happy.
hi allie! thank you so much for this free kit! i was wondering if you could give any tips or secrets on how you made these cute embellishments (especially those cute birdies)! i have always wondered how you digital designers do it! do you have any helpful websites to check out?
thanks so much,
oh, my email is chelstep28 at yahoo dot com
thanks allie!
Love it! I will try and send you a LO this week!
Love the new kit! You did an amazing job!
You have an award on my blog :D
I love it. It is so cute. I cannot wait to download it and start working with it. Thank you for sharing.
Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Thanks! I just downloaded the kit and look forward to using it.
This is adorable--love it and thanks for sharing it!
Thanks for the cute kit :-D
This kit is absolutely adorable. So many elements too, I love it. Thank you so much and leaving you some love.
Boy, you are moving right along. I loved your layouts, and I think this kit is way too cute! Thanks for sharing!
Love it! Thanks
This is amazing! The colores and textures are great. Thank you for sharing!!
It's that really your very first?!!
I can't believe this,your kit is so gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much:))
Already waiting for the "first second" :))
a really nice first kit!
thank you for sharing!
I LOVE YOU!! You are so talented!! I am so amazed how fast you have seriously picked this up and ran with it (PS I learn a ton from you).
I'm using this kit! I love the kinda chic look and have been looking for something with little birdies so I'm totally excited. You're the best!
Thanks for your generosity…you are SOOOOO appreciated!! hee,hee :) I shared your wonderful “stuff” on my blog for all my other “peeps” to see. Drop by anytime, you are always welcome.
Suz :)
This kit is absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing. I do have one suggestion though, include your elements and papers previews as folder.jpg files in your zips. Also please include your TOU so we'll know how we're allowed to use the kit.
Love your blog layout!
Allie, this is TOO cute and WOW!!! You are MULTI-TALENTED girl!!! I shall come back and download when I have a bit of time to play. I would LOVE to do something with it for you!
What a GENEROUS spirit you have! THANK YOU!
Linda :)
TY so very much!!!!!!!!!
Love your stuff...especially your free kits! Thanks so much for sharing :)
Allison, LOVE this kit!! I have been checking your blog & LOVE all that you've been making!
This kit is SO DARLING!! LOVE those little chickies! Love the red & yellow! Thanks for sharing such a fabulous kit!!
What an ADORABLE kit!! Thank you for sharing!
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