Please remember that these kits are NOT meant for resale or commercial use. Just personal use only. Please respect those that have worked hard to make these kits that we oh so love!
Also, you may need to put your font in BOLD with these (and the majority of the other) layouts. It'll make it easier to read for those who visit your site often.

And here's the animated layout! Click on the photo to watch it in action!

Thanks Karyn! Keep making those kits!
I love your layouts and am excited to use one on my blog if only I could get it to work. I used the new directions but it doesn't seem to be working. I used the old directions a while back and it worked great. Could you post the old directions please? Thanks!
I got it. Yeah for me. Love the new ones too though. The problem is I have to update as fast as you make new ones...
Wow!! These look really great! Thank you so much for doing such wonderful work with my first kit!!
This is so cool that you are doing this, Allison. Its a great service for people.
I found your blog site through a friend (of a friend)! I absolutly love your layouts! Thanks for all you do, especially for the technologically challenged!
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